Dienstag, 19. Juni 2007

Exclusive interview with Marc Prensky - zum digital divide

Nicht mehr ganz taufrisch, aber immer noch faszinierend: Die These vom "digital divide" mit der Schlußfolgerung, dass der Unterricht an den Schülern der jungen Generation vorbeigeht:
Marc Prensky fasst zusammen: "Digital Natives, as I demonstrate in the book, have developed new cognitive habits and thinking patterns that are very different from those of the "Digital Immigrants" who came before, and they require very different types of learning. A big part of our current education problems stem directly from the fact that the Digital Immigrants -- who comprise most of our teachers and trainers -- are not very fluent in the language the Digital Natives speak.
Digital Natives, as I demonstrate in the book, have developed new cognitive habits and thinking patterns that are very different from those of the "Digital Immigrants" who came before, and they require very different types of learning. A big part of our current education problems stem directly from the fact that the Digital Immigrants -- who comprise most of our teachers and trainers -- are not very fluent in the language the Digital Natives speak."

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